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Restaurant «KALINA Country»


HDLT designed and installed an led screen for the KALINA Country restaurant located in Khimki. The customer needed an interior display project for a banquet hall. Our masters perfectly coped with the task and equipped the premises on time according to the requirements of the client.


  • size 3520x1920 mm;
  • pixel pitch Р4 mm.

The frontal type was chosen for the operational maintenance of the LED-panel. The equipment was placed on a small platform specially dedicated to the LED construction. On all sides, the display is sheathed with alucobond. Forced ventilation is installed on the back of the panel to prevent overheating. The management of the restaurant left quite a job done.

The LED panel is not just an interior decoration. This dynamic, interactive design entertains guests and adds color to the event. Video clips, static pictures, music videos or movies - any content can be displayed on the LED screen. LED equipment is a good investment in business development.

Video presentation:

Video 1
Technical specifications
Technical specifications
  • Pixel pitch, mm 4
  • Size, mm 300x300
  • Brightness, cd/m2 400
  • Module resolution, px 75x75
  • Screen weight kg 11.00
$ 3 150 per m2
Moscow Zoo

A state-of-the-art 3D screen at the main entrance to the Moscow Zoo will broadcast 3D videos about the zoo's inhabitants, which are classified as endangered species. Now the Amur tiger, polar bear, giant panda and many others live on the screen. “The new media facade is an example of how modern technologies are used in educational and environmental activities,” said Svetlana Akulova, General Director of the Moscow Zoo.

HD LED TECH specialists installed a corner LED screen with a size of 14400x4800 mm, a pixel pitch of P5 mm and with a seamless angle, at which no cracks are visible on the screen fold. Corner cabinets were designed and used. The high refresh rate (3840Hz) makes the image even more realistic, as is the naked eye technology, which allows guests to see the three-dimensional image without 3D glasses. After sunset, the screen will switch to night mode: the brightness will fade, and the video sequence will become smoother. 

Video presentation:

Video 1
Technical specifications
Technical specifications
  • Pixel pitch, mm 5
  • Size, mm 320x160
  • Brightness, cd/m2 6500
  • Module resolution, px 64x32
  • Screen weight kg 16.00
$ 1 170 per m2
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